20 YEARS SINCE VOL. 1 IN 2003. It is no exaggeration to say that "RELAXIN' WITH JAPANESE LOVERS" was the beginning of the Japanese lovers boom. In December last year, the reissue of VOL.1 and the latest edition of the series, VOL.8, were released on CD, and VOL. Following the analog version of 8, the long-awaited VOL.1 will also be released on analog vinyl as "SELECTIONS" with 8 songs from the CD. The liner notes written by writer and DJ Ryohei Matsunaga and a dialogue with the main staff to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the series by Satoshi Mochizuki (music Natalie) are added to the same content as the CD, resulting in a lovely content that will color the lovers! Not only VOL.8 but also VOL.1 analog edition is a coveted piece for Japanese lovers fans who have been waiting for it.